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2017-05-18 14:12:28 文章来源:www.jnhaohui.com

  Do KTV decorate the case of all know, newly decorated house, inside always full of all sorts of peculiar peculiar smell, make a person unbearable. For KTV industry, due to the dense, KTV inside compartment ventilation ability is weak, coupled with the guest in room for entertainment consumption, alcohol, tobacco, always little not, these will increase the KTV inside odor, below, small make up teach you a few solution to the KTV inside odor:
  1, can be in big KTV private rooms, or hall placed several air purification machine, air is specifically for air pollution research into the mechanism for purifying equipment, sterilization, deodorant, dispel peculiar smell of utility function.
  2, suggested in a KTV place more pineapple, pineapple is a kind of crude fiber fruits, has the function of absorb the smell of paint and other peculiar smell can also achieve send fruit scent, so as to improve both the KTV internal environment.
  3, regular open a KTV is not responsible for the main ventilation window, all don't open the window, all opened, is not the purpose of strengthening the KTV indoor air circulation.
  In the hall, or in the room, some plants can be used as decoration, such as crane, cactus, landscape, camphor tree, etc. These plants put, can increase indoor afforest environment, not only looks beautiful atmosphere, also can release the fresh oxygen, adsorption of poisonous gas, effective dispel peculiar smell.
  5, let the waiter to KTV inside cleaning, thorough cleaning, don't just clean the regions that can be seen on the surface, the fringes are involved, in order to avoid the guest when consumption creates waste residues in indoor. After you finish cleaning, you can spray some air freshener and clean indoor air.
  Anyhow, KTV is often a peculiar smell in the area, as a result, odor removing KTV is the key of the daily cleaning work of KTV, in terms of dispel peculiar smell, make sure air is fresh, in addition to the KTV enterprise, also calls for consumers to buy in a KTV entertainment, as far as possible don't litter, cause pollution of the environment.