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2017-09-14 18:01:54 文章来源:www.jnhaohui.com

Imitation marble lines, as the name suggests is a marble line parity version, but the performance and almost even some properties beyond the marble marble line, prone to cracks marble line in installation, and is not suitable for modeling. Under normal circumstances, the use of marble in the living room more, but the imitation marble lines will not be limited, so the imitation marble line manufacturers believe that the marble lines more suitable for family decoration. So tell me about marble lines. What are the aspects of the installation?

1、墙面选择 大理石线条的质量只有天然石材的五分之一,可以直接粘贴在水泥基层表面;如果墙面已经粉刷,则需要将墙面上的腻子粉或者墙面漆刮掉,也可以在已刮粉的墙面加一层木板基层。
1, the wall 1/5 quality marble line only natural stone, can be directly pasted on the surface of the cement base; if the wall has been painted, it needs to be on the wall putty powder or wall paint scrape, can also add a layer of wood powder has been blown grass in the wall.
2、固定方式 用配套的板材专用胶或者免钉胶粘贴即可,胶水的品牌,建议自行选择口碑、质量比较好的。
2, the fixed way with supporting plate special glue or nail free glue paste, glue brand, it is recommended to choose word of mouth, quality is better.
3、拼接方式 转角的时候,用水平45°切割拼接的方法。 仿大理石线条水平45°切割拼接 仿大理石石塑线条长度可以定做,无需拼接,能够满足用户在线条长度上的需求;如果选择比较短的线条,则需要拼接,看起来不是那么自然。
3, splicing way corner, with horizontal 45 degrees cutting splicing method. Imitation marble line 45 degree cutting and splicing of imitation marble stone plastic line length can be customized, without splicing, the line length can satisfy the user demand; if you choose short lines, you need to mosaic, look not so natural.
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