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2016-05-30 14:20:55 文章来源:www.jnhaohui.com

First, first of all should pay attention to the elevator set of shape decoration, the elevator is the cloak of elevator, elevator decoration can not be separated from the set of elevator decoration upgrading, stone plastic line is the most new decorative material, with excellent decorative effect, safety and environmental protection performance, we can stone plastic lines and stone plastic adjusting plate are combined into the newest stone plastic elevator door.

Second, the elevator set decoration process which needs to pay attention to the design of the car. For the decoration of modern elevator sets, it can be said that there are a lot of different colors of PVC stone plastic line. In the decorating process, not only to meet the aesthetic concept of modern people, and strive to make the overall decoration more beautiful and delicate. In addition, but also with the use of the environment has a certain coordination.
Third, the car color match is also a key part of the elevator set decoration. To know the perfect color matching, you can directly give people a more comfortable visual effects. First of all, it should be divided into the first elevator set of the use of the place, and then choose the style, to finalize the color of the mix style. For example, is comfortable, warm, or fashion, simple, and so on. Rich color, can make the elevator set to produce a sense of hierarchy, have more landscaping effect.
Fourth, this is the elevator set decoration very key procedure, is for the car design unique form. We can find a lot of different forms of elevator cars in our society now. We should according to the installation environment, so as to the size, shape and pattern of system adjustment and planning. Finalize the whole place, in accordance with the business, hotel and other commercial image and culture of the elevator set of car.