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2016-10-14 16:34:35 文章来源:www.jnhaohui.com

After selecting the KTV audio equipment, followed by a put into the position selection of it, put this position also have certain knowledge, good sound position, can have very good effect, so that the guests more natural. Then let KTV design network for everyone to introduce the KTV audio equipment, the display of several common methods.
Placing method, using diamond placed
If you want to use this way to put your KTV rooms must satisfy a condition that the rooms must be square. Then need two KTV sound placed in front of the wall by the position. KTV audio equipment can not rely on the wall too close, otherwise it can not be expected to effect. Understanding of this sound display methods after we have to look at the effect of how it? When the KTV in the display method, it can solve the problem with the bass, if square KTV rooms do not swing, then you use the world's best KTV audio quality may not be able to achieve this effect.
Two, the display method KTV compartment acoustics placed into a cabinet
This placement is only suitable for small KTV speakers without stents. If the KTV audio display in the lower place in the KTV audio equipment at the bottom of the granite, with a pyramid. To see how this sound display effect? According to this method put KTV sound quality is very strong, high frequency does not have the sound of screaming dry sound.
Three, display method can close to the wall display of audio KTV rooms
Is the KTV sound near the back wall to display, use this method to display KTV audio equipment, can make sound and music rooms by the shallow depth, width. This arrangement is better. However, if you use this placement effect when you need to pay attention to KTV sound from the wall far and near, choose 30 cm or 50 cm.
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