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2016-07-26 16:52:51 文章来源:www.jnhaohui.com

Any form of decoration design has its principles and norms, at the same time, some guidance should be paid attention to in the design and decoration also must pay attention to, otherwise you carefully designed effect may to find out in the end that counterproductive, not only did not let the customer satisfaction. Instead, it is to allow customers to create the feeling of disgust, for example, KTV and other places of entertainment in the design and decoration is very luxurious, must be careful not to let your own place in decoration design in the following problems:
One, KTV design decoration not to decorate color casual
Although the use of different colors KTV decoration design will give people a different feeling, while its operating efficiency is also different, but in the design of KTV decoration must consider what kind of color the most popular. So do not choose the color in the KTV design decoration.
Two, KTV design decoration not to the door of the stairs
Design of the staircase opposite gate, from feng shui design is not good, because there is such a renovation design principles of Feng Shui "Hi cyclotron, avoid straight" principle. If your stairs design facing the door so your bar is to visit the visit, the generosity of less, so in the KTV decoration design do not stairs to the front door.
Three, KTV design decoration not in the bar at the exit
Some KTV decoration design in order to enable customers to go upstairs to allow customers to see the sale of goods, often in the bar at the exit of the escalator. This approach tends to make some customers will deliberately circumvent this place, so that customers have a sense of boredom, so in the KTV design decoration not to the bar at the exit point.
Four, KTV design and decoration of the store decoration is not too small
Face to determine the needs of the entire operating area of the KTV sites in line, KTV appearance is equivalent to the person's throat, if the throat is too small we can imagine, too small window decoration may lose a lot of tourists. So in the KTV design and decoration of the store decoration is not too small.
Above is related to the design and decoration of KTV attention to the knowledge, and I hope to help you! Welcome friends from all walks of life to call to consult, negotiate and guide, willing to cooperate with you in good faith!